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5 Day Devotional

We encourage you to start this devotional five days before your prayer time.

Day 1


Safe and Secure

Read Psalm 91


Pause in God’s presence and remember these truths.


Delight yourself in the Lord. Ask Jesus to increase your love for him and your ability to love like him. Take a moment to receive God’s love and allow him to love you just as you are.


Check to be sure you are tucked into the shadow of God Most High, your secret hiding place. We are not taking on the enemy. We are focused on God. He will protect us as we pray and defend us from harm. Approach your time of prayer with boldness and confidence in who he is for you.

Day 2

The Glorious King

Read Psalm 24


Everything and everyone in the earth truly belongs to God. This includes each of us, each person who has been trafficked and each one who has trafficked them. We ALL belong to God and we are coming together every minute of every single day to remind God of this fact. Far be it from our God to continue to let the atrocity of trafficking continue!


Take a few moments for a heart check. Ask yourself: Are my works and ways moving toward purity? Is my heart true and sealed by the truth? Have I allowed deception of any kind to sneak in and turned my back to it? Do not take this lightly. Recognize the weightiness of standing as part of the unstoppable force of prayer releasing God’s love and victory. Take time to pause in his presence.


Day 3


It Is Not Our Battle

Read 2 Chronicles 20:1-30


Pause in God’s presence and remember these truths.


“Do not be afraid or discouraged because of this vast army. For the battle is not yours, but God’s… Take up your positions; stand firm and see the deliverance the Lord will give.”


To the people of Judah the armies coming against them appeared as devastating and unconquerable as an end to the issue of human trafficking appears. However, when we unite and gain Kingdom perspective through fasting and prayer we become overwhelmed with God’s majesty. We know we are completely reliant on the One no evil can withstand and our confidence grows. He is the One who hears and rescues. Let your heart race with the possibilities of what God can do!

Day 4

The Pure and Shining One

Read Psalm 20


Pause in God’s presence and remember these truths.


Our focus is not on the enemy and the evil in this industry. It is the Lord who answers and delivers us. It is the God of Jacob who keeps us safe and conquers the enemy. God will send supernatural help and support us. The unstoppable force is God and we eagerly anticipate what he will do. Our eyes are completely fixed on him.


We see and know God’s answer. He is a God of justice AND mercy, and he hates human trafficking. His heart is to bring deliverance, freedom and healing to everyone involved in it. This evil WILL collapse and we will rise up courageously exclaiming to the world the victory of our God!


Day 5

Nothing Is Impossible


Read Exodus 14:1-18 and Ephesians 3:20-21


Pause in God’s presence and imagine.


Read the Exodus passage slowly and with curiosity, as if it were the first time you ever heard it. Can you imagine the initial terror of the Israelites and the immense fear they would have felt knowing at any moment they could be killed? I am sure the situation felt impossible. BUT God! His power and majesty completely changed the situation.


With that in mind think about this vision. I saw a man who had trafficked many people through the years come to Jesus. He sought out one he had stolen, sold, violated and abused, and asked for forgiveness. This young person forgave him and it opened a wave of revival and forgiveness. Can you imagine how powerful that would be?


Look past the horror and mind-boggling evil of human trafficking. Remind yourself of Ephesians 3:20-21. With God’s supernatural help, allow yourself to imagine the most outrageously glorious outcome of our prayers. God can do even MORE. Let your heart race with Kingdom possibilities as you prepare to pray.

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